Wyoming Sales Tax License Registration

If your business is operating in Wyoming, you may need to register for sales tax with the Wyoming Department of Revenue. Sales tax registration is required for businesses that sell tangible personal property or certain services in the state.

How to get a Wyoming Sales Tax License

There are 2 sales tax setup tasks you may need to complete in Wyoming to get your sales tax licence. You can follow the guide below to help you get registered directly with the Wyoming agencies or use Mosey to do it.

Use Mosey to register for sales tax in Wyoming.

Wyoming Sales and Use Tax Exemption Setup for Corporation

Nonprofits operated primarily for religious or charitable purposes may submit an application to be exempt from sales and use tax on: (1) Their purchases to accomplish their purposes, and (2) Their occasional sales for fundraising purposes that are not in the course of any regular business. Organizations granted the 501(c)(3) “charitable organization” status that can provide their federal verification letter will be issued an exemption approval letter and a Streamlined Sales Tax Agreement (SSUTA) Certificate of Exemption from the state. Organizations that do not have a federal 501(c)(3) verification letter may submit the following to the Department of Revenue for review: (1) Articles of Incorporation, (2) Constitution or bylaws, (3) Mission statement, (4) Budget, and (5) Income and expense statements for the past three years.

  1. Complete Your Application

    Download and complete the Wyoming Certificate of Exemption form.

  2. Submit Your Application Materials

    Log in to your Wyoming Internet Filing System for Business account to submit your Exemption Form along with either your federal 501(c)(3) verification letter or other required documents for review.

Wyoming Sales and Use Tax Setup for Corporation, LLC, LLP

Business selling tangible personal property, admissions, or services subject to tax in Wyoming must register for a Sales and Use Tax Permit with the Wyoming Department of Revenue. Foreign businesses have nexus in Wyoming if they have an office, distribution house, sales house, warehouse, or another place of business within the state or any agents operating, soliciting sales, or advertising within the state under their authority. Out-of-state sellers must also collect and remit taxes if they have over $100,000 in gross revenue from Wyoming sales or 200 or more separate transactions in Wyoming.

  1. Create a WYIFS Account

    Visit the Wyoming Internet Filing System for Business (WYIFS), select “New Users Click Here To Sign Up”, and follow the prompts to set up an account.

  2. Register for a Sales and Use Tax Permit

    Register for your new sales and use tax permit by either logging into your WYFIS account or submitting a Sales & Use Tax License Application by mail.

Wyoming Sales Tax Filing Requirements & Deadlines

There are 2 sales tax filing requirements & deadlines you may need to complete in Wyoming. You can follow the guide below or use Mosey to do it.

Wyoming Sales and Use Tax Filing for Corporation, LLC, LLP

Retailers with tax liability greater than $150 per month are required to file a monthly sales tax return. Retailers with smaller liabilities may file quarterly or annually.

  1. File Sales and Use Tax Return

    File your Sales and Use Tax report by logging into your WYIFS account and selecting "Sales & Use Tax". Alternatively, you can mail Form 41-1 to the Department of Revenue.

  2. Make Sales and Use Tax Payment

    Make payments by logging into your WYIFS account and selecting the "Make Payments" tab on the homepage. Alternatively, you can print a voucher from the website and mail it with payment.

Wyoming's Sales Tax Registration & Reporting Agencies

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