Tennessee Sales Tax License Registration

If your company has recently started doing business in Tennessee, it's important to understand the process of sales tax registration. Registering for sales tax in Tennessee is necessary for businesses that sell tangible personal property or taxable services in the state.

How to get a Tennessee Sales Tax License

There are 2 sales tax setup tasks you may need to complete in Tennessee to get your sales tax licence. You can follow the guide below to help you get registered directly with the Tennessee agencies or use Mosey to do it.

Use Mosey to register for sales tax in Tennessee.

Tennessee Sales Tax Exemption for Corporation

Generally, nonprofit entities are exempt from paying sales or use tax on their purchases of property and services. A nonprofit entity must apply for and receive the Sales and Use Tax Certificate of Exemption from the Department of Revenue before making tax-exempt purchases. Note: The certificate is valid for four years.

  1. Complete Application for Exempt Organizations

    Download and complete the Application for Exempt Organizations or Institutions Sales and Use Tax Exemption (Form RV-F1306901).

  2. Submit Application for Exempt Organizations

    Submit the completed Application for Exempt Organizations or Institutions Sales and Use Tax Exemption to the Department of Revenue.

Tennessee Sales Tax Setup for Corporation, LLC, LLP

If you average at least $400 in monthly sales of tangible personal property or $100 in monthly sales of taxable services in Tennessee, you are required to register with the Department of Revenue to collect sales tax. If you are an out-of-state business with no physical presence in Tennessee, you are required to register and collect sales tax if you have had $100,000 in sales to customers in Tennessee in the previous 12 months. Note: SaaS is generally considered a taxable service in Tennessee.

  1. Register a Sales Tax Account

    Log in to your TNTAP (Tennessee Taxpayer Access Point) account, select "More..." then "Register New Account" to register your business for a Sales Tax account. If you don't have any tax accounts in Tennessee, select "View Registration Links" and then "Register New Business" to register for a Sales Tax account as a new taxpayer.

  2. Create TNTAP Account

    If you don't have a TNTAP account yet, select "Create a Logon" then provide your FEIN on-file to create a new account. Your TNTAP account allows you to file and manage taxes online.

Tennessee Sales Tax Filing Requirements & Deadlines

There are 2 sales tax filing requirements & deadlines you may need to complete in Tennessee. You can follow the guide below or use Mosey to do it.

Tennessee Sales Tax Return Filing for Corporation, LLC, LLP

If you are registered for sales tax in Tennessee, you are required to file and pay sales tax monthly. The Department of Revenue may change your filing frequency to quarterly or annually depending on the size of your sales tax liability.

  1. File and Pay Sales Tax Online

    Log in to your TNTAP account to file and pay sales tax.

Tennessee's Sales Tax Registration & Reporting Agencies

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