Nevada Sales Tax License Registration

If you are an employer who has recently started doing business in Nevada, it is important to understand the process of sales tax registration. Sales tax registration in Nevada is required for businesses that sell tangible personal property or provide certain services in the state.

How to get a Nevada Sales Tax License

There are 2 sales tax setup tasks you may need to complete in Nevada to get your sales tax licence. You can follow the guide below to help you get registered directly with the Nevada agencies or use Mosey to do it.

Use Mosey to register for sales tax in Nevada.

Nevada Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Corporation

Nonprofit organizations exempt under IRS 501(c) are eligible to apply for exemption for Nevada Sales and Use taxes subject on the sales and purchases made. To apply, you must submit an Application for Sales/Use Tax Exemption for Religious/Charitable/Educational Organizations (Form APP-02.01) with the Nevada Department of Taxation. Note: If approved, the Department of Taxation will issue you a Letter of Exemption and your exemption must be renewed every five years.

  1. Complete Sales Tax Exemption Application

    Complete the Application for Sales/Use Tax Exemption for Religious/Charitable/Educational Organizations (Form APP-02.01)

  2. File Sales Tax Exemption Form

    Mail your completed Application for Sales/Use Tax Exemption for Religious/Charitable/Educational Organizations and the required supporting documents to the Nevada Department of Taxation.

Nevada Sales Tax Setup for Corporation, LLC, LLP

Nevada employs two different standards - a physical presence and a substantial nexus - to determine if a business is subject to sales tax. Physical presence in Nevada established by a business that has employees/representatives, offices, stores, warehouses, or inventory stored in Nevada. A business with physical presence must register, collect, remit, and report ALL their sales regardless if they do not meet the threshold. A Nevada business is deemed as having substantial nexus if they either: Maintain a place of business in Nevada; Enter an agreement with a resident of Nevada under which the resident is paid to directly or indirectly refer potential customers to the business; Or make more than $100,000 of retail sales into Nevada, or more than 200 separate retail transactions in the state. A business that meets either the physical presence or substantial nexus standard must register with the Department of Taxation for a sales and use tax permit.

  1. Register for a Sales Tax Permit Through Nevada Tax Center's Online Portal

    To register with the Nevada Department of Taxation for a sales and use tax permit, you can complete the Nevada Business Registration form online through the Nevada Tax Center portal.

  2. Submit Security Deposit for Nevada Sales Tax Permit

    A sales and use tax permit will not be issued until applicable security is submitted. The amount of the deposit is based upon your estimated average monthly tax liability. To determine this, identify your average monthly taxable sales and multiply this figure by the highest tax rate in Nevada. This is your estimated average monthly tax liability. Security is required equal to three times your monthly tax liability for monthly reporting or six times monthly tax liability for quarterly reporting. A security deposit will not be required if the amount calculated does not exceed $1,000. There is no maximum security. After three full years of perfect reporting, you may apply for a waiver of the security requirement.

Nevada Sales Tax Filing Requirements & Deadlines

There are 2 sales tax filing requirements & deadlines you may need to complete in Nevada. You can follow the guide below or use Mosey to do it.

Nevada Sales and Use Tax Exemption Renewal for Corporation

Nonprofit organizations who hold a Letter of Exemption for Sales and Use Taxes must renew with the Department of Taxation every five years. To renew, you must submit an Application for Sales/Use Tax Exemption for Religious/Charitable/Educational Organizations (Form APP-02.01).

  1. Complete Sales Tax Exemption Application

    Complete the Application for Sales/Use Tax Exemption for Religious/Charitable/Educational Organizations (Form APP-02.01). Note: You must check the "Renewal" box.

  2. File Sales Tax Exemption Application

    Mail your completed Application for Sales/Use Tax Exemption for Religious/Charitable/Educational Organizations and the required supporting documents to the Nevada Department of Taxation.

Nevada Sales Tax Reporting for Corporation, LLC, LLP

The required reporting and payment period is based on the amount of sales per calendar month. If taxable sales do not exceed $10,000 per month, businesses may report and pay their tax quarterly, by the last day of the month after the end of the calendar quarter. If a quarterly filer has no tax liability for three preceding quarterly reporting periods, or if taxable sales are $1,500 or less for the preceding four quarterly reporting periods, businesses can file an annual sales tax return. Businesses with taxable sales greater than $10,000 must report and pay their sales tax monthly, with returns due by the end of the month following the month of collection.

  1. File Quarterly Sales Tax Returns and Pay Tax Online

    Quarterly filers can use the Combined Sales and Use Tax Return is used to report sales tax. You can file this return and pay your taxes online through the Nevada Tax Center portal.

  2. File Monthly Sales Tax Returns and Pay Tax Online

    Monthly filers can use the Combined Sales and Use Tax Return is used to report sales tax. You can file this return and pay your taxes online through the Nevada Tax Center portal.

  3. File Annual Sales Tax Return and Pay Tax Online

    Annual filers can file a return and pay taxes online through the Nevada Tax Center portal.

Nevada's Sales Tax Registration & Reporting Agencies

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