If your business is operating in Nebraska, you may be required to register for sales tax with the Nebraska Department of Revenue. Sales tax registration is necessary in order to collect and remit sales tax on taxable goods and services sold within the state.
How to get a Nebraska Sales Tax License
There is one sales tax setup task you may need to complete in Nebraska to get your sales tax licence. You can follow the guide below to help you get registered directly with the Nebraska agencies or use Mosey to do it.
Use Mosey to register for sales tax in Nebraska.
Avoid the manual work and headache of registering with state agencies yourself. Automate it with Mosey and stay compliant.
Nebraska Sales Tax Setup for LLC, LLP, Corporation
Nebraska charges a sales tax of 5.5% of the gross receipts from retail sales of tangible personal property and certain services. Local sales tax can be set by counties and cities, at 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 1.75%, or 2%. A foreign business has nexus in Nebraska if it has physical presence. Remote sellers must collect sales tax if in the previous or current calendar year they have sales exceeding $100,000 or if they have made 200 or more separate transactions. A Sales Tax Permit must be obtained for each location in Nebraska. A business must file the Nebraska Tax Application (Form 20) to receive a Nebraska Sales Tax ID Number and PIN. Note: When registering a new business, besides Sales Tax, you can also register for Business Income Tax and Income Tax Withholding at the same time. Nonprofit organizations making sales must obtain a Nebraska sales tax permit and may qualify for exemption from paying sales tax on specific purchases.
Register for Sales Tax (Form 20)
Register online with NebFile for a Nebraska Sales Tax ID Number and PIN. If you already registered your business with NebFile and did not add a Sales Tax account at that time, you must mail or fax Form 20 to the Nebraska Department of Revenue. Make note of the ID and PIN shown on the final page, or mailed after a paper application (along with any other IDs and PINs if you added other account types).
Nebraska Sales Tax Filing Requirements & Deadlines
There is one sales tax filing requirement & deadline you may need to complete in Nebraska. You can follow the guide below or use Mosey to do it.
Nebraska Sales Tax Reporting for LLC, Corporation, LLP
Businesses must file Form 10, Nebraska and Local Sales and Use Tax Return, to report sales tax. Your filing frequency depends on your sales liability for the year: if you owe less than $900, you are an annual filer. If you owe $900 to $2,999, you are a quarterly filer. Businesses with larger tax liability are monthly filers. Note: A return must be filed even if there's no tax due.
File and Pay Sales Tax
Use your Nebraska Sales Tax ID number and PIN to log in to NebFile for Business to file and pay sales tax online.