Louisiana Sales Tax License Registration

Mar 21, 2025

If your business has recently started operating in Louisiana, you may need to register for sales tax with the Louisiana Department of Revenue. Sales tax registration is required for businesses selling tangible personal property or taxable services in the state.

How to get a Louisiana Sales Tax License

There is one sales tax setup task you may need to complete in Louisiana to get your sales tax licence. You can follow the guide below to help you get registered directly with the Louisiana agencies or use Mosey to do it.

Use Mosey to register for sales tax in Louisiana.

Louisiana Sales Tax Setup for LLC, Corporation, LLP

Any company with a physical presence in Louisiana and any company that makes either 200 or more transactions in Louisiana or $100,000 in sales in Louisiana must register with the Department of Revenue to collect and remit sales tax. SaaS is not considered a taxable service in Louisiana. Note: Nonprofit organizations are generally subject to tax on both sales/purchases made and required to register to collect and remit sales tax. However, nonprofit organizations may apply for exemption from collecting sales tax on specific fundraising activities by filing an Annual Application for Exemption from Collection of Louisiana Sales Taxes at Certain Fundraising Activities (Form (R-1048) at least thirty 30 days before the first fundraising event of the year.

  1. Estimate Sales Tax Liability

    Estimate your sales tax liability for the year.

  2. Register for a Sales Tax License Online

    Registration for a sales tax account online with your Louisiana Taxpayer Access Point (TAP) portal. Local sales tax registration may also be required to remit sales tax to certain parishes.

Louisiana Sales Tax Filing Requirements & Deadlines

There is one sales tax filing requirement & deadline you may need to complete in Louisiana. You can follow the guide below or use Mosey to do it.

Louisiana Sales Tax Return for LLP, LLC, Corporation

Sales tax of 4.45% applies to most retail sales of goods and some services in Louisiana. The filing schedule for sales and use tax payments is based on monthly sales and use tax liability: businesses with tax liabilities of less than $500 per month are quarterly filers, and businesses with tax liabilities of more than $500 per month are monthly filers.

  1. File Sales Tax Return

    File your sales tax return online using Louisiana Taxpayer Access Point (TAP) portal.

  2. Pay Sales Tax Online

    Visit the Louisiana Department of Revenue to make a payment for sales tax.

Louisiana's Sales Tax Registration & Reporting Agencies

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