Kansas Sales Tax License Registration

If your business is operating in Kansas, you may need to register for sales tax with the state. Sales tax registration is required for businesses that sell tangible personal property or taxable services in Kansas.

How to get a Kansas Sales Tax License

There is one sales tax setup task you may need to complete in Kansas to get your sales tax licence. You can follow the guide below to help you get registered directly with the Kansas agencies or use Mosey to do it.

Use Mosey to register for sales tax in Kansas.

Kansas Sales Tax Setup for Corporation, LLC, LLP

Kansas imposes a 6.5% sales tax on the (1) Retail sale, rental, or lease of tangible personal property; (2) Labor services to install, apply, repair, service, alter, or maintain tangible personal property, and (3) Admissions to entertainment, amusement, or recreation places in Kansas. Business entities subject to sales tax must register with the Department of Revenue for a sales tax account. Remote sellers with over $100,000 cumulative gross receipts from Kansas customers in the current or preceding calendar year have sales tax nexus. SaaS is not considered a taxable service in Kansas. Note: In general, nonprofit organizations are required to register for a sales tax account and are subject to sales tax on sales and most purchases. However, the following organizations may be eligible for exemption from sales tax on specific purchases: (1) 501(c)(3) historical societies, museums, primary care clinics and health centers, religious organizations, and zoos, (2) Elementary and secondary schools, (3) Noncommercial educational radio and tv stations, and (4) Nonprofit hospitals or blood, tissue, and organ banks.

  1. Register for a Business Sales Tax Account

    Visit the Kansas Department of Revenue (KDOR)'s Customer Service Center to sign up for a sales tax account.

Kansas Sales Tax Filing Requirements & Deadlines

There is one sales tax filing requirement & deadline you may need to complete in Kansas. You can follow the guide below or use Mosey to do it.

Kansas Sales Tax Return for Corporation, LLC, LLP

Sales tax filing frequency depends on your liability for the preceding calendar year. If you owed $400 or less, you are an annual filer. If you owed $400.01 to $4,000, you are a quarterly filer. Businesses with larger tax liability are monthly filers and may be subjected to additional payment and filing requirements. Note: The filing frequency of a new business is assigned during sales tax registration based on their estimated annual liability.

  1. File Sales Tax Return

    Go to the KDOR Customer Service Center to file the Retailer's Sales Tax Return.

Kansas's Sales Tax Registration & Reporting Agencies

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