Oregon Department of Justice

Access the Oregon Department of Justice here.

The Oregon Department of Justice is the state agency responsible for upholding the law and protecting the rights of Oregonians. They work to ensure compliance with state regulations and investigate and prosecute criminal activity within the state.

Agency Accounts

Oregon Charitable Organization Registration Account

Access your online account via Annual Report Portal, Oregon Charitable Activities Section.

The Oregon Charitable Organization Registration Account allows you to set up and manage the following information:

  • Charitable Organization Registration Number

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Learn how to keep your business compliant in all 50 states across payroll, HR, Secretary of State, and tax.

Minimum Wage in CT: Minimum Wage Annual Updates (2024)

The minimum hourly pay in Connecticut climbed to $15.69 as of Jan. 1, 2024, which comes on the heels of a minimum wage system that has already steadily risen in recent years. This rise is a component of a larger program related to the Employment Cost Index (ECI), which is intended to help earnings match everyday living expenses. Businesses have been especially affected by this systematic pay change. Knowing about these changes ahead of time can ensure you remain compliant with state regulations and control your labor costs.

Gabrielle Sinacola | Oct 24, 2024

Equal Pay Act: Overview, Benefits, and FAQs Explained

You’ve likely heard the gender pay gap referenced in conversations about workplace equality. Numerous labor studies and statistical reviews have proven that women are often paid 83.7 percent of what their male counterparts are paid for performing substantially similar work under similar working conditions. This pay equity gap was even more significant in decades past. Shifting perspectives, a greater call for civil rights, and legislation impacting the workplace have made significant strides in rectifying the gender pay gap.

Alex Kehayias | Jun 17, 2024

Arizona Flat Tax: Business Owners Guide

In 2023, Arizona changed from the commonly utilized progressive tax structure to a simplified flat tax system. The state has been slowly modifying tax rules over the course of the past few years and will finally settle into its desired (and lowest) income tax rate. The flat tax system changes tax liability and compliance rules for all taxpayers. If you own a business in Arizona, here’s what you need to know about how the change may impact your employees and the way you manage your taxes.

Alex Kehayias | Mar 2, 2024

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