North Carolina Department of Revenue (NCDOR)

Access the North Carolina Department of Revenue (NCDOR) here.

The North Carolina Department of Revenue (NCDOR) is the state agency responsible for administering tax laws and collecting taxes in North Carolina. They work to ensure compliance with state tax regulations and provide resources and assistance to taxpayers to help them understand and fulfill their tax obligations.

Agency Accounts

North Carolina Withholding Account

Access your online account via NCID.

The North Carolina Withholding Account allows you to set up and manage the following information:

  • DOR Account ID Number (Withholding Tax)
  • Initial Withholding Tax Deposit Schedule

North Carolina Sales Tax Account ID

Access your online account via NCDOR Sales Tax eServices.

The North Carolina Sales Tax Account ID allows you to set up and manage the following information:

  • Sales Tax Account ID

Find out more on how to stay compliant with the North Carolina Department of Revenue (NCDOR):

Review your compliance risks, free.

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