Delaware Division of Revenue

Access the Delaware Division of Revenue here.

The Delaware Division of Revenue is the state agency responsible for collecting taxes and enforcing tax laws in the state of Delaware. They work to ensure compliance with state tax regulations and provide resources and assistance to taxpayers.

Agency Accounts

Delaware Business License Account

Access your online account via Delaware Taxpayer Portal.

The Delaware Business License Account allows you to set up and manage the following information:

  • Business License ID

Delaware Gross Receipts Tax Account

Access your online accounts:

The Delaware Gross Receipts Tax Account allows you to set up and manage the following information:

  • Gross Receipts Tax Account Number

Delaware Withholding Tax Account

Access your online accounts:

The Delaware Withholding Tax Account allows you to set up and manage the following information:

  • Withholding Tax Account Number

Find out more on how to stay compliant with the Delaware Division of Revenue:

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