Avenu Insights & Analytics

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Avenu Insights & Analytics is a trusted partner to state agencies in Alabama, providing innovative solutions for revenue enhancement and compliance. With a focus on data-driven insights and cutting-edge technology, Avenu helps agencies streamline operations and maximize revenue collection.

Agency Accounts

Attalla Local Withholding Tax Account (Avenu Business Account)

Access your online account via Sales Tax Online (AvenuInsights).

The Attalla Local Withholding Tax Account (Avenu Business Account) allows you to set up and manage the following information:

  • Attalla Local Withholding Tax Number (Avenu Business Account Number)

Birmingham Local Withholding Account

Access your online accounts:

The Birmingham Local Withholding Account allows you to set up and manage the following information:

  • Birmingham Local Withholding Tax Number (Avenu Business Account Number)

Review your compliance risks, free.

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Learn how to keep your business compliant in all 50 states across payroll, HR, Secretary of State, and tax.

What Is a Periodic Report & How Is It Created?

Generating reports is one of the most important things you can do as a business owner. You have a lot of things to keep track of, and most importantly, you have a lot of people who would appreciate being kept current on the state of your business and what your path forward will look like. Here’s what business owners should consider when preparing and creating periodic reports for important board members, investors, clients, and stakeholders.

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Michigan Right To Work Law Repealed: 5 Things To Know

In a significant change for the labor scene of the state, the right-to-work law in Michigan is obsolete. Effective as of March 24, 2023, this move has made waves for companies throughout the state and affects workers just as much as their employers. Still, employers especially need to know the subtleties of this repeal and how it will affect their payroll compliance. The laws regarding union dues, membership, and collective bargaining have changed since the right-to-work law was repealed, providing a new playing field for companies and their employees.

Gabrielle Sinacola | Sep 27, 2024

What Are Articles of Organization for an LLC?

Starting a business requires important decisions and steps. One of the key milestones for many entrepreneurs in the United States is filing the Articles of Organization. This document plays a pivotal role in the formation of a Limited Liability Company (LLC), serving as the official birth certificate of your business entity. Let’s explore the Articles of Organization, their significance, and why they are crucial to establishing your LLC. What Are Articles of Organization and What Do They Do?

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