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Alabama Attorney General's Office
The Alabama Attorney General's Office is a state agency responsible for representing the legal interests of the state of Alabama, providing legal advice to state officials, and enforcing state laws. As the chief legal officer for the state, the Attorney General oversees a wide range of legal matters, including criminal prosecutions, consumer protection, and civil litigation.
Your salary or payroll is the foundation of your compensation — it’s the primary form of payment you receive for your work. But beyond that basic paycheck, there’s another layer known as fringe benefits. These are additional perks that companies can offer, enhancing the value of a job and making the overall work experience more rewarding.
Fringe benefits can have a significant impact on both businesses and employees. For employees, they can mean extra financial support, greater health and well-being, and ways to achieve a better work-life balance.
The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) is designed to create equality for people with disabilities as they live and work in the world. The ADA requires businesses, employers, and public services to make simple modifications or adaptations that create a greater level of accessibility for people who are unable to complete tasks the same way that a non-disabled person would.
Nearly 25 percent of the current workforce lives and works with some type of disability.
We’re excited to announce Mosey Services–work with our team of experts to transition off a PEO, recover or close state accounts, reinstate your business, or update critical account information quickly and accurately.
Some things can’t be fixed with software. Businesses fall out of compliance before coming to Mosey and struggle to get back into compliance. Responsibilities are split across teams and access to state and local tax account information isn’t unified for the organization, making it difficult to resolve compliance issues.
Alex Kehayias |Sep 5, 2024
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