Texas Notice of Intent To Forfeit Right To Transact Business FAQs

Kaitlin Edwards | Aug 31, 2024

Texas Notice of Intent To Forfeit Right To Transact Business FAQs

If you’re a business owner in Texas, you might have received a letter called a “Notice of Intent to Forfeit Right to Transact Business.” It may sound scary, but don’t panic.

This notice simply indicates that you might have forgotten about some important paperwork or payments for your business. However, if the process is leaving you perplexed, stick around. In this article, we’ll answer all your questions about Notices of Intent in Texas and how Mosey’s agency mail support can help you manage state compliance.

What Is a Notice of Intent in Texas?

This notice serves as a yellow flag from the state, and it means you may have forgotten to file certain reports or pay necessary taxes. Sometimes, businesses get this notice even when they don’t owe money. That’s because Texas wants all businesses to file reports, even if they have a lower income.

A common mistake is thinking that a Texas Notice of Intent is from the IRS. In reality, it’s not. Instead, it’s a matter of your business’ standing with the state of Texas, and ignoring this notice can have serious consequences. The state could prevent you from doing business in Texas or even hold you personally responsible for the company’s debts.

How To Respond to a Notice of Intent

Getting a Notice of Intent can feel overwhelming, but don’t worry. You can break down your response into manageable steps.

Here’s what you should do:

Don’t Ignore It

This notice is not the kind of mail you can ignore. It will tell you when you need to respond — put that deadline in your calendar and prioritize it.

Gather Your Files

The notice will tell you what reports or payments are missing. Find those documents or information. Documents can include your business’s financial records, tax returns, and other relevant paperwork.


If you missed filing reports, you must submit them as soon as possible. You can complete this step online through the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts.

Pay Up

If you owe taxes or penalties, you’ll need to pay them to the state. Your notice should explain how to do this. If you’re unsure about the amount you owe, it’s a good idea to double-check your calculations or get help from a professional.

If you’re feeling lost or overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to seek help. A tax professional or attorney specializing in Texas business law can guide you through the process and ensure you do everything correctly. Another excellent resource is Mosey’s agency mail support.

What Is Agency Mail Support From Mosey?

At Mosey, we know that dealing with government notices can be a real headache. That’s why we created agency mail support, a tool for you if you’re not already using Mosey. It’s a simple, affordable way to get expert help with your state mail. Whether you’re dealing with a Texas Notice of Intent or any other confusing state letter, we’ve got you covered.

Here’s how easy it is:

  • Capture: Take a picture of the notice you received and upload it to Mosey.

  • Review: Our team will review your notice and determine what it means for your business.

  • Get Answers: Within one business day, you’ll receive a clear explanation of the notice and step-by-step instructions on what to do next. No more legal jargon or guesswork is required.

Running a business is hard enough without the added stress of deciphering complex government notices. With Mosey’s agency mail support, you’ll achieve the peace of mind that comes with knowing you have a team of dedicated compliance experts on your side.

How Can Agency Mail Support Help With a Notice of Intent?

Our agency mail support is designed to be your lifeline when you receive confusing letters from the state.

Here’s why it’s a must-have tool for busy business owners, big and small:

Save Time

Don’t waste hours trying to understand a notice or what steps you need to take. Our team of experts will do the heavy lifting for you, saving you time and energy.

Avoid Costly Mistakes

One wrong move could lead to fines, penalties, or even the loss of your ability to conduct business. With Mosey’s expert guidance, you can confidently address the issue and dodge costly errors.

Achieve Peace of Mind

Dealing with state agencies can be stressful, but with Mosey in your corner, you can rest easy knowing your compliance needs are in good hands.

Focus on What Matters

Instead of getting bogged down in paperwork, you can focus on running your business. Let Mosey handle the compliance headaches.

It’s Affordable

We believe that every business should have access to expert compliance support. That’s why we’ve made our agency mail support affordable and accessible — it’s just $1!

Don’t let a complicated notice from the state derail your business. With agency mail support from Mosey, you have a trusted partner to help you manage compliance like a pro.

What Are Other Compliance Tips and Resources?

Receiving a Notice of Intent can create stress and worry, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. In fact, remaining compliant in Texas doesn’t have to be a constant worry. Here are a few tips to help you stay on top of compliance:

Mark Your Calendar

Set reminders for important deadlines, like filing annual reports or paying taxes. A little organization goes a long way in reducing worry and keeping you one step ahead.

Get Help

If you’re unsure about any compliance requirements in Texas, don’t hesitate to ask for help. You can consult with a professional advisor or check out the resources on the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts website.

Support From Mosey

Mosey can be your compliance partner. Our compliance management platform helps you track deadlines, file reports, and manage your payroll compliance in one place. We’ll even send you reminders so you never miss an important deadline.

Remember, staying compliant is an ongoing process, not a one-time event. By taking a proactive approach and utilizing available resources, you can ensure your business stays in good standing if you operate in the state of Texas.

Stay Compliant With Mosey

Getting a Texas Notice of Intent to Forfeit Right to Transact Business is no fun. But it’s also not the end of the road. With the correct information and a little support, you can tackle this challenge head-on and come out more compliant on the other end. Don’t let this notice sidetrack your business goals.

Let’s tackle state notices together. At Mosey, we’re happy to answer your questions or guide you through the process step by step. You can schedule a demo today to discover how compliance automation can help your business focus on what matters most.

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