20 Questions To Ask on Employee Engagement Surveys and Why

Kaitlin Edwards | Sep 6, 2024

20 Questions To Ask on Employee Engagement Surveys and Why

Employee engagement surveys are a tool that allows you to get a good read on your workforce. The metrics from pulse surveys and questionnaires reveal your team members’ actual opinions on their jobs, your workplace culture, and their overall experience.

The secret, though, is that the questions you ask will determine the nature of the insights you gather.

Our list of 20 employee engagement questions will enable you to get to know your staff, pinpoint opportunities for career development, and create a workplace where everyone shines.

Why Do Employee Engagement Surveys Matter?

Consider employee engagement surveys as open communication with your staff — an opportunity for them to express their opinions free from constraint. From seasoned professionals to the most recent hires, every voice counts.

Employees who feel acknowledged and appreciated are more inclined to put their passion and efforts into their work. These surveys transcend mere feedback collection, allowing you to discover how satisfied employees at your company are. Do members of your team find their positions and obligations satisfactory? Are they valued and supported?

Identifying possible pain points and areas of discontent can help you solve problems before they become more serious, fostering a workplace where everyone feels driven and seen. Still, don’t overlook the bottom line, as high employee engagement results in real commercial success.

Engaged workers are productive and more likely to go above and beyond, which also means improved employee retention. Employee engagement surveys are essentially a strategic investment in your company’s future.

How To Craft Survey Questions That Count

In employee engagement surveys, the questions you pose are just as crucial as the survey responses you get. Effective survey questions require careful consideration and a sincere desire to know how your staff members see things.

Use Simple Language

Start with simple, succinct language. Avoid industry jargon and complicated terminology that may cause your employees to scratch their heads. Remember that the objective is to enable honest and open discussion rather than assess their vocabulary skills.

Consider the Specifics of Their Experience

Then, pay close attention to particular facets of the employment experience. Rather than providing general, broad questions, focus on specific topics like development opportunities, company culture, or work environment. This focused method lets you identify areas of strength and weakness inside your company.

Incorporate Open-Ended Questions

Last but not least, don’t underestimate the power of open-ended questions. While open-ended questions offer a wealth of qualitative, actionable insights, scaled answers provide helpful quantitative data.

Open-ended questions grant your employees the freedom to communicate their ideas and emotions in their own words, offering a more nuanced and authentic understanding of their experiences.

What Are Good Questions for an Employee Engagement Survey?

Employee engagement is a feeling of connectedness, drive, and worth. If you want to know how your employees feel, you have to ask the right employee engagement survey questions.

This carefully chosen collection of 20 essential questions explores the fundamental elements of the employee experience, enabling you to obtain insightful information and act with intention.

Let’s break down these questions and their power to shape a more committed team:

1. Do You Feel a Strong Sense of Belonging at This Company?

This question cuts right to the heart of inclusion. It asks whether employees relate to the corporate culture, feel like they belong on the team, and accept themselves for who they are.

Low scores here may indicate that your efforts on diversity and inclusion need to be strengthened to help foster a more inviting environment.

2. Do You Clearly Understand How Your Work Contributes to the Company’s Overall Goals?

This query probes whether your employees see the big picture. Do they know how their individual efforts complement the grand scheme of things? Employees who recognize the link between their daily responsibilities and the business’s goals are more likely to be driven and committed to their jobs.

3. Do You Have the Tools and Resources You Need To Do Your Job Effectively?

This practical question examines whether your team members feel equipped for success. It’s about ensuring they have the tools, knowledge, and technology they need. Low scores here indicate a need for improved tools or simplified procedures.

4. Are You Comfortable Presenting Your Ideas and Opinions to Your Colleagues and Manager?

Open communication is the lifeblood of any good company. This question evaluates employees’ sense of safety and empowerment to express themselves free from concerns about retaliation. If the answer is no, it might restrict innovation and result in an unmotivated workforce.

5. Do You Get Regular Feedback on Your Performance?

Development and improvement depend on feedback. This question helps determine whether workers believe they have the direction to grow and shine. Regular feedback keeps staff members on target, makes them feel appreciated, and clarifies that their efforts are seen.

6. Do You Find Your Work To Be Challenging and Rewarding?

Nobody wants to be bored at work. This question asks whether workers find their jobs interesting and fulfilling. It’s about finding a balance between motivating staff members to develop and ensuring they don’t feel underappreciated or overwhelmed.

7. Do You Believe There Are Opportunities for Growth and Advancement Within This Company?

This question taps into workers’ hopes for the future. It determines whether they see a clear road for professional growth inside your company. Employees who believe they cannot grow may begin seeking possibilities elsewhere.

8. Do You Feel Appreciated for Your Contributions?

Another great motivator is recognition. This question looks at whether employees believe their diligence is valued and recognized. A simple “thank you” can help raise morale and encourage a grateful environment.

9. Do You Have a Good Work-Life Balance?

Work-life balance is more crucial than ever in the modern workforce. This question helps determine whether workers believe they can properly balance their personal and professional lives. Overall well-being depends on a good balance, which can also boost job satisfaction and output.

10. Would You Suggest This Company as a Top Place To Work?

This question serves as your company’s reputation litmus test. It evaluates if staff members are happy to work for your company and would inspire others to join the team. High scores here indicate that you are creating a positive and engaging workplace.

11. Do You Feel Your Manager Encourages Your Professional Development?

This query focuses on the role managers play in helping their team members flourish. Quality senior leaders invest in the futures of their staff rather than only assigning work. Low scores here point to a need for improved management training or a change in leadership style.

12. Do You Feel as Though Your Manager and Peers Value Your Ideas and Opinions?

It’s more than just an issue of comfort. This question involves determining whether staff members think their efforts are truly appreciated. Fostering a sense of ownership and involvement requires feeling heard and respected.

13. Do the Mission and Values of the Company Personally Speak to You?

Engagement levels are strongly influenced by alignment between personal and corporate ideals. This line item investigates whether workers relate to the business’s goals and believe their jobs fit their own values.

14. Do You Believe You Have a Say in Decisions Impacting Your Work?

If you hope to measure employee engagement, you must empower your team. This question considers whether staff members think they influence decisions that directly affect their jobs. People who participate in the decision-making process are more likely to be emotionally committed to business outcomes.

15. Do You Feel Like You Have the Flexibility You Need To Manage Your Job and Personal Life?

The modern world demands flexibility. Whether through flexible hours, remote work choices, or supportive leave policies, this question gauges whether staff members feel equipped to marry their jobs with their personal obligations. A flexible workplace can lead to reduced burnout and improved well-being.

16. Do You Feel Like the Company Supports a Culture of Diversity and Inclusion?

Diversity and inclusion in the workplace can inspire innovation, creativity, and community. This question investigates whether workers from all walks of life — race, gender, background, sexual orientation, or any other component of their identity — feel appreciated and respected.

The idea is to establish a setting where everyone feels free to be themselves and express their own viewpoints.

17. Do You Feel Like You Have Opportunities To Interact and Develop Rapport With Your Colleagues?

Strong ties inside the company support community, group projects, and shared goal-oriented behavior. This topic evaluates whether workers have opportunities to interact personally and professionally with their coworkers, promoting a cooperative environment.

18. Do You Believe You Know What the Company Expects of Your Performance?

Clear expectations eliminate uncertainty and lay a foundation for success. This question reveals employees’ knowledge of what is expected of them, how their performance is assessed, and what objectives they should aim for. Transparency in expectations helps employees feel confident in their abilities, motivated, and focused.

19. Do You Feel the Company Offers Sufficient Opportunities for Learning and Development?

Professional development depends on ongoing learning. This question asks whether employees believe the organization supports their personal development through conferences, mentoring programs, training courses, or other progress channels.

A dedication to education shows that the business respects the future of its staff and wishes to support their maximum potential.

20. Generally, How Happy Are You With Your Work and Experience at This Company?

Finally, this benchmarking question offers a useful window into employees’ general attitudes. It reflects their overall employee satisfaction with their position, their rapport with their boss, the corporate culture, and their employment experience.

It’s an important gauge of general staff involvement and might highlight areas that need more work.

How To Make Employee Engagement Survey Results Matter

Receiving employee feedback is just the beginning. Analyzing the data and turning those insights into significant change can help you better leverage these surveys. This includes looking into each answer, observing trends, and noting areas where you shine and those requiring more work.

Analyze the Data

Examine the survey data by departments, demographics, or other pertinent criteria. This will enable you to identify underlying trends and appreciate how various departments inside your company see their work.

Make a Plan

After you’ve extracted these valuable insights, you should start developing engagement strategies. Use the survey findings to create focused projects that tap into your strengths and address respondent issues.

Maybe you can improve lines of communication, change your onboarding program, or fund leadership development. Whatever the situation, make sure your action plan is specific, quantifiable, and in line with the objectives of your business.

Follow-Up Initiatives

Equally important are transparency and follow-up initiatives. Tell your employees about the survey findings and let them know their voices have been heard.

Share freely the steps you are taking to respond to their feedback and give frequent updates. This shows your will to establish a workplace where everyone feels appreciated and included.

Keep Your Workplace Compliant with Mosey

Employee engagement surveys are a window into your staff’s hearts and minds. With the right questions and attentive listening, you can build a workplace where your staff feels heard, appreciated, and driven to offer their best.

Remember, the foundation of a successful company is engaged employees. These people go above and beyond, create ideas, and propel your business. Invest in knowing your staff, create a good work environment, and watch your company grow.

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